Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Five Myths about Higher Education

©  2014 Michael Marek
Reading this article made think about myths about how education works.

Here are five myths that too many people believe about education, and particularly higher education.

Sunday, June 11, 2017

Repopulate the Species?

My patience has been rewarded and I found the first seedlings today of wild columbine plants I am attempting to grow from seeds I collected last fall.

Why would I do that when columbine seeds can be found in almost any display of flower garden seeds?

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

The Bots are Taking Over

From: http://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-twitter-followers-fake-617873

The news has been going around this week that millions of Donald Trump's Twitter followers are fake -- automated "bot" accounts that are not real people.

Not all bots are bad, but they can easily be used to falsify interactivity in social media.  How do bots work?

Monday, June 5, 2017

Climate Change Skeptics aren't Skeptics

When it comes to science, skeptics are people who question beliefs as the result of scientific scrutiny.

On the other hand, people making political arguments professing skepticism about climate change are more likely to be non-scientific in how they reach their conclusions.

So what does a true skeptic conclude about human-caused climate change?

Saturday, June 3, 2017

Failure of Conservativism

The president's withdrawal from the Paris climate treaty is not just a failure of leadership.

It is a failure to be a true conservative.

So what do I mean by a true conservative and how did he fail?