Saturday, June 3, 2017

Failure of Conservativism

The president's withdrawal from the Paris climate treaty is not just a failure of leadership.

It is a failure to be a true conservative.

So what do I mean by a true conservative and how did he fail?

The dictionary definition of conservatism is "holding to traditional attitudes and values and cautious about change or innovation, typically in relation to politics or religion." But what is considered to be "traditional" is socially defined, meaning that it depends on what people THINK is traditional in a given place and time.

Being conservative also includes not taking risks, because the conservative mindset greatly dislikes uncertainty.

Conservative retirement planning, for example, avoids risky investments in favor of more consistent performers.  If you found out that a stock market crash was likely, but not guaranteed, would you leave your investments in risky stocks?

One would think that the conservative mindset would lead to solid planning to avoid the potentially catastrophic effects of extended climate change, presumably through a strategic phased plan that would preserve stability and minimize economic hardships.

So why are conservatives willing to accept the extreme risk of new coastlines, relocating millions of people from flooded cities, less productive farm land, and the resulting economic chaos?

Because it's not a PERSONAL threat to them. The worst effects are decades in the future and they think that there is still time to procrastinate, until uncertainty about what to do can be completely eliminated. Questioning the validity of the data, or misquoting the data to allow refuting it is a manifestation of this distaste for uncertainly and resistance to confronting the need for change.

Meanwhile, big business still lives and dies by quarterly profits statements, and there is little motivation in many corporations to take the long view.  There is little motivation for millionaires to subordinate current profits to profits that will not come in for decades.  This is particularly true because crisis transitions usually lead to windfall profits, compared to slow orderly transitions, which is what the Paris treaty does.

So what can YOU do now, if you believe that we need to take action to reverse climate change?

  • Be "green" in your daily lives and carbon footprint
  • Avoid doing business with people/locations on the wrong side of the issue
  • Watch the news and tell your elected officials what you think
  • Question political candidates about their stance on climate change
  • Vote your values
How about when you engage with conservatives who claim to be "skeptical" about climate change?

Remind them that the conservative strategy is always to take steps to prevent undesirable change, particularly when the outcome of that change is highly uncertain.

Remind them that IF climate change happens/gets worse, their children and grandchildren will be the most harmed.

Assert that a careful step-by-step transition to different energy sources can be done in a way that minimizes harmful effects today, while preserving the positive future of our country.

It is true and the transition is GOING to happen.  The question is whether it will be orderly and smooth, or a chaotic crisis.

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