Sunday, December 18, 2016

Pricing Fossil Fuels Out of the Market

Disclosed capex for onshore wind and PV projects in 58 non-OECD countriesThat article presents long-anticipated news from Bloomberg Technology that particularly in emerging markets, unsubsidized solar is less expensive than wind or fossil fuels.
Visionaries have realized for years that we need to get off coal and petroleum as our energy sources.

This is true because we are running out, as well as because burning that stuff results in CO2 which raises the planetary temperature. This is already causing problems, and in the long term will result in chaos.  Our current energy infrastructure is also antiquated, vulnerable, and thus a national security risk (how would you like to be without grid power for 18 months?).

It is particularly notable that this story is from a mainstream source, Bloomberg, as opposed to some environmentally-focused advocacy group. When solar and other renewable energy is both less expensive and widely available, the marketplace will naturally lean in the direction of less cost.  Fossil fuels are on their way out, no matter how much King Canute tries to hold back the tide. 

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